Saturday, March 10, 2012

Santarem, Brazil

Friday March 9, 2012.  Morning swim and breakfast as usual.  It sprinkled a bit while we were swimming but nothing wrong with swimming during the rain unless it is lightening.  We are docked here in Santarem. Santarem is a city of about 300,000 persons and is found where the Rio Tapajos meets the Amazon River.  Today Santarem's biggest industry is soybeans.  There is one road into Santarem from the south and the road is not completely paved.  But this is where the barges are loaded for export.

Our boat

Meeting of the Waters
We took a tour and it was terrific.  We boarded these boats that first took us to the meeting of the waters.  We had seen this in Manaus but this is another river that feeds into the Amazon.  This is the Rio Tapajos.  It started to rain but this time we were prepared with ponchos and they put the tarp down on the one side of the ship.  But there was a lot of wind so it made it cool.

Then we continued on the the Eco Maica Lake.  This entire area is flooded and the homes are under water at some areas.  And the walk to the outhouse is wet.  The residents make platforms to hold the chickens and pigs to stay dry.  But the horses and buffalos have to walk in the water.


Chickens and Pigs

Home along the River


While we were sailing along, we were able to spot a Savannah Hawk, two Toucans, an Iguana, maybe a Sloth.  Then we stopped the boat and we all were trying to fish for Pirahna.  One gentleman did catch one so we all were able to see it close us.





In Flight

So the tour was a good one.  We really enjoyed it.  Back on the ship for lunch and then reading on deck.  I am cold so I changed my clothes to something warmer and headed up to needlepoint, tea and trivia.  Bob went up to exercise in the pool.

We had the Seven Seas Party at 5:30pm and then stayed for Ray's show.  We sat with Doris and Arlen from Plantation.  Then we headed to the Mariner Lounge for a cocktail and let the crowd settle in the Compass Rose.  Dinner was good.  Then back to the cabin to read and bed.  This was a great day.


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