Sunday, March 18, 2012


Today we flew from Ft. Lauderdale to Jacksonville on Southwest.  Flight is a short one of about one hour and 15 minutes.  We used luggage free so we had no checked luggage.  When the ship arrived in Ft. Lauderdale, there were six other ships in port.  So since we so small, we only had one customs agent working.  To say it was backed up is an understatement.  We finally got through the line and headed to the sedan to take us to the airport.

Flight up was uneventful.  The limo was waiting for us and we got home to a wonderful greeting by Aiden, Gretchen, Katie and David.  The kids had made a wonderful sign that was over the front door.  It was great to see everyone.

The only down side is that I am sick.  I did not feel well most of yesterday so I stayed in the cabin most of the day.  And now today I have a fever.  Not sure what is going on but at least I am home and in my own bed.

Katie and her family are taking Bob out to dinner.  I am staying home and watching NCAA basketball.

This was a great cruise.  We were not sure how we would feel sailing for 72 days, but both of us feel we could have stayed on longer.  Now thinking about a world cruise.  Maybe in 2014.  Next year is going to be river cruise in Europe.  Till then.


  1. So sorry you are sick. I hope you feel better soon. I enjoyed your pictures and blogging. It was fun to cruise around SA with you and Bob.

    Love, Gail

  2. Hope you are feeling better today. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures.
